Thursday, October 6, 2011

Best Protein Shake Recipes -Stay Thin Without Exercising

 Protein Shake: Chocolate Whey Protein Shakes
·        2 scoops Chocolate Whey Powder
·        4-6 crushed ice cubes
·        12 oz. fat free milk
·        2 tblsp fat free vanilla yogart
·        1 tblsp reduced fat peanut butter
·        2 tblsp hazelnut coffee
·        1/8 cup chocolate ice cream topping

Blend all together in blender, food processor or with 
electric blender stick

Tropical Protein Shake

·        1/2 banana, frozen
·        4 strawberries, frozen
·        1/2 mango frozen or from a jar
·        1 1/4 cup water
·        2 tbsp. frozen- pina coloda mix (or 1/8 tsp. natural coconut extract)
·        1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder your choice
·        1 tsp. flax seeds crushed in nut grinder
·        4 to 6 crushed ice cubes

Blend all together in blender, food processor or with 
electric blender stick

Protein Shake: Banana Split 
Banana Split Protein Shake
              ·         1/2 frozen banana
·        1 Tsp. banana extract
·        2 Tbsp. vanilla ice cream or heavy cream, not cream out of a can
·        2 Scoops Chocolate (no carb) Whey Powder
·        10-12 oz water or16 oz fat free milk
·        4-6 crushed ice cubes

Blend all together in blender, food processor or with 
electric blender stick

Protein Shake: Wild Berry Boost

Wild Berry Protein Shake

·        2 scoops Vanilla Whey Powder
·        8 raspberries
·        4 strawberries
·        15 blueberries
·        16 ounces nonfat milk
·        4-6 crushed ice cubes

Blend all together in blender, food processor or with
electric blender stick

Protein Shake: Pistachio Pudding

Pistachio Pudding Protein Shake
·        2 scoops vanilla protein
·        1 tbsp sugar-free pistachio pudding mix
·        1 mint leaf or a few drops peppermint extract (optional)
·        8 oz. cold water or low-fat milk
·        4-6 crushed ice cubes

Blend all together in blender, food processor or with 
electric blender stick

Protein Shake: Healthy Honey Banana Shake

Healthy Honey Banana Shake

·        1 cup of bottled water
·        1 big scoop of vanilla Whey Powder
·        3/4 cup of natural yoghurt
·        1 banana
·        1 tsp of ground flax-seed l
·        2 tsp of honey
·        1 tsp Spirulena

Blend all together in blender, food processor or with 
electric blender stick

How many grams of protein should I eat in a day?
There are 4 calories in a single gram of protein. Therefore 180 – 630 calories in terms of grams of protein would be roughly 45 – 157.5 grams of protein. Here’s a list of protein calories and grams you should be eating depending on the calories in your diet:

·        If you’re on a 1200 calorie diet, 120-420 calories (30-105 grams) of protein are recommended.
·        If you’re on a 1400 calorie diet, 140-490 calories (35-122.5 grams) of protein are recommended.
·        If you’re on a 1500 calorie diet, 150-525 calories (37.5-131.25 grams) of protein are recommended.
·        If you’re on a 1600 calorie diet, 160-560 calories (40-140 grams) of protein are recommended. 
           If you’re on a 2000 calorie diet, 200-700 calories (50-175 grams) of protein are recommended.

Everyone knows that exercising can help speed your metabolism and help burn fat. But did you know that nutrition is actually more important than exercise when it comes to staying lean; and that if you cut back on exercising, you can still stay lean as long as you eat well? (That's where the best protein drinks come in!)

A recent study conducted by Loyola University, University of Ibadan, Howard University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and University of Wisconsin, and published in the September 2008 issue of the journal Obesity, showed some very interesting results when it comes to exercise versus nutrition.

The study took a group of obese African American women from metropolitan Chicago (average weight: 184 pounds) and compared them to slender women in rural Nigeria (average weight: 127 pounds). 

It was expected that the slender Nigerians would be much more physically active and burning more calories than the obese Americans, but the researchers found that both groups of women, slender and obese, had the same activity/energy expenditure levels!

Their diets, however, were dramatically different. The women from Chicago ate 40 - 45% fatter and plenty of high processed foods. The women from Nigeria, on the other hand, ate plenty of fiber and unprocessed carbs and skipped the fat and animal protein, or just ate small portions of them.

So what can you do to eat right to stay lean? Follow This High Protein Shake 3-Point Plan!

1. Eat the right ratio of foods at every meal. What's the right ratio? Try a fist-size of lean protein, a fist-size of unprocessed carbs and a thumb-size of healthy fats; your body needs the carbs to:

• provide glucose to fuel your body and brain -- glucose = fuel

• provide fiber to curb hunger and stabilize blood sugar

• burn body fat -- if you don't get a steady supply of glucose your body thinks it's in emergency "starvation" mode and stores everything as fat instead of using it as energy

You need the protein and fats to turn the carbs into glucose and create that steady supply.

2. Cut out processed carbs and other processed foods. They provide no nutritional value whatsoever. And when you eat processed foods, your body maintains excess water weight. It also stores fat because it's in emergency "starvation" mode because it's not getting any nutrition.

3. Eat a high protein shake for breakfast and plan ahead by having the ingredients on hand. This is so you can actually do points one and two. These shakes are easy to make, taste great and contain the optimum nutritional ratio. Plus, you can have them as a snack or as a meal substitute.

To make the best protein shakes, add the following ingredients to a blender and mix to desired smoothness: liquid (water, non-fat milk, plain soy milk or plain almond milk); pure protein shake powder; good fat (omega oil, flax; green powder; fresh fruit; ice; optional essences and spices (vanilla, mint, cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger).

Are you ready to stay thin without exercising all the time? Start by getting the ingredients for your fast-metabolism smoothies that you can eat all day long.

Now that you know how much protein you will need, your first step is to calculate your amount and then figure out how much protein you are getting in your diet. Once you know how much you should be eating then its a simple process of starting bridge that gap. That’s how i did it. Good luck.

Click for protein shake breakfast tips and recipes and ingredients. Energy First offers 100% all-natural protein powder proenergy and other all-natural, proven ingredients like omega 3 oil, omega 3 seed and nut mix, and green drink powder so that you can stay thin even if you cut back on exercising. All energyfirst supplements and vitamins come with a money-back guarantee.

Gerry Morton is the CEO of energyfirst, leading provider of top-quality nutritional supplements and cutting-edge, science-based health and nutrition

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