Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fidgeting Is The Natural Weight Loss

It's now official. The simple act of fidgeting can mean the difference between lean and obese. It's the natural weight loss diet.

My friend likes to relate a story from time to time about when he was just a lad. His grandfather called him "Worm", because he fidgeted so much. And between you and me, it can get rather annoying.

But he had the right idea, even if it wasn't intentional. He's 5'8" tall and weighs around 145 lbs.

To my knowledge, he doesn't work out, jog, or go to the gym. He fidgets. When we visit, I watch him twist and turn, tap his feet in the air, get up and down from the chair and walk around. It's enough to drive you crazy, but his slim physique speaks volumes.

Fidgeting-Natural Weight Loss

I've always believed that fidgeting is a result of a fast metabolism, so he naturally burns more calories, producing natural weight loss. But I also believe that fidgeting can be learned. Of course that's all we need, more people to drive us crazy!

Now there's a study to confirm what I've always believed. A detailed study conducted of mundane bodily movements found that obese people tend to be much less fidgety than lean people and spend at least two hours more each day just sitting still. The extra motion by lean people is enough to burn about 350 extra calories a day, which could add up to 10 to 20 pounds a year.

"There are these absolutely staggering differences between people who are lean and people who are obese," said James Levine of the Mayo Clinic, who led the research. "The amount of this low-grade activity is so substantial that it could, in and of itself, account for obesity quite easily."

Mayo Clinic
Here are some things you could try.

* When a commercial come on TV, get up and stretch or better yet, move around. Just avoid the kitchen.

* Wriggle your toes and your fingers whenever you can. This will also tell you how sore they are and if their condition is so bad, just think of the rest of your body.

* Tap your feet in the air. Think of an upbeat song and tap along. This helps get your blood flowing.

* Do things like fetching, turning things off and on by yourself. Often when we come back tired from work, we tend to get others to do simple chores for us. These things are no big deal. They are things that we can very well do for our selves but we don't.

* When talking on the phone, get up and pace. Just vary your walking area. You don't want to wear a path in your carpet.

* Try breathing exercises. You might be surprised to know that breathing exercises too can lead to weight loss. If you are doing the breathing exercises properly, you will find that you can exert a lot of pressure on the muscles around the mid section. You can feel a tightening of these muscles each time you breathe in or breathe out. So go ahead and breathe properly, it is good for you.

·        Do not slouch in your chair, but try to maintain an erect posture with your tummy tucked in. Slouching is a very bad habit. Not only is it bad for your back but it also gives you a very flabby figure.
·        It is your way of saying yes to a comfortable, weight-gaining pose. Make it a point to always sit as erect as you can. It is also a terrific way to ward off back problems.

Fidgeting isn't a cure-all for obesity, but if you're physically unable or just too plain lazy to eat right and workout, it's a great start.

100 Calories Is The Difference Between Weight Gain----Weight Loss

Did you know that the difference between weight gain and weight loss can be as little as 100 calories per day?

Jill Ireland
Most people who are searching for weight loss solutions suffer from what is called weight creep. Weight creep refers to those nagging pounds that creep up on you over the years. 

Most Americans who are overweight put on an average of about 2 pounds per year. While 2 pounds may not sound that significant, think about the fact that 2 pounds per years works out to 20 pounds in ten years and 40 pounds in 20 years. Can any of us really afford to weigh 40 pounds more than we do now?
Oprah Trim or Oprah Fat
The good news is that two pounds per year is actually fairly easy to avoid.  Like I stated earlier, the difference between weight loss and weight gain can be as little as 100 calories a day. That's right, if you are looking to lose weight, or rather avoid any more weight gain, the difference could be as simple as cutting out 100 calories a day from your daily diet.

Let's take a look and see how easy it is to cut out 100 calories per day from your daily diet.

1. If you drink your coffee with whole milk, you can save 100 calories a day by drinking two cups with skim milk instead.

2.  One 16 ounce Coke is 250 calories. Cut out one Coke a day and you'll be cutting out two and a half times the suggested calorie reduction.

3.  By substituting a plain donuts for a jelly donuts you'll cut out 120 calories. Think you're doing better by choosing the lighter croissant? Think again. A croissant has as many calories as a jelly donuts - 289 calories.

4.  Salads are a great part of any diet, but often the salad dressing is not. One packet of French dressing has 160 calories.

5.  Drink less beer. You don't have to go on the wagon, but know that each 12 oz beer, even a light beer, averages 100 calories.

6.  You can also add exercise to your daily routine to speed up your metabolism, burn more calories and lose weight.  Here are a few activities to burn 100 calories.

* Swimming energetically for just 15 minutes will burn 100 calories.

* An hour of housework can burn as much as 100 calories.

* Only have ten minutes? Jump rope at least 700 calories per hour, you can burn up 100 calories in just 10 minutes!

* Go for a 10 minute brisk walk. Power walking burns 600 calories an hour. You can burn 100 in ten minutes

* Play a round of golf at the club. Half an hour of golfing - without a golf cart - burns 120 calories.

Remember, this is about how to avoid weight creep.  The best way to avoid weight creep is by simply cutting out 100 calories per day from your daily diet. 

The great thing about all of the above weight loss suggestions is that you can easily add any of them to your daily routine.

Remember, just 100 calories can be the difference between weight gain and weight loss.

Adam Waxler publishes a series of weight loss information products including his weight loss blog that posts weekly weight loss tips
and his new weight loss resource filled with FREE weight loss articles
Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Site Map: How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping

How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping

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Fidgeting Is The Natural Weight Loss ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
100 Calories Is The Difference Between Weight Gain----Weight Loss ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
What is the difference between homeopathic (oral) HCG and HCG injections? ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Pre diabetic Situation - what does it mean? ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Weight Loss Menu Plan - The Calorie Shifting Diet ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Lose Weight 4 Idiots - How Good Is The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet? ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Best Of Vegan Weight Loss Diet ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Weight Loss: A History of the HCG Diet ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Do fast Weight Loss Diets Work? ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
The Harcombe Diet Recipe For Successful Weight Loss ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
5 Weight Loss Diet Plans for Diabetics ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
HCG Quick Weight Loss Diet ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Do fast Weight Loss Diets Work? ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Peace through a Sattvic Diet ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Shrink Liver Diet - Best Fatty Liver Disease Diet ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Reviewed 24 Hour Diet Plan -Don't Bother It Doesn't Work ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Dukan Diet Doctor Recommends Oat Bran ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Diabetic Carb Diet and Carbohydrate Counting Machines ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Bodybuilding Pre-Contest Diet Plan ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
HCG Diet Plan – No sugars and Fats Please ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Oatmeal For Weight Loss ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Losing Weight By Fasting Is Unhealthy ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Gain Muscle, Lose Fat, Tone Up FAST! ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Muscle Building Nutrition - Eat sleep and grow ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Learn How To Get Rid Of Thigh Fat And Get Those Super Model Legs ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
How To Lose That Pot Belly - Ten ways to have A Flat Stomach WITHOUT Sit-ups! ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Herbs to Help You Lose Weight and Rev Your Metabolism ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
Getting Lean ~ How to Lose 34 Pounds-Window Shopping
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Friday, September 9, 2011

What is the difference between homeopathic (oral) HCG and HCG injections?

What is the difference between homeopathic (oral) HCG and HCG injections?
Homeopathic HCG is produced by taking small amounts of the original strength HCG (extracted from the urine of pregnant women) and making it into a subliminal mixture which is administered under the tongue and absorbed into the body. 

Homeopathic HCG is an FDA approved substance, does not require a prescription and is prepared per the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. HCG injections must be prescribed by a doctor and are administered by a shot into muscle tissue (usually given by the patient him or herself).

How does HCG help me lose weight?

In pregnant women, HCG releases stored fat to ensure the growing fetus receives the nutrients it needs to grow and develop normally. When HCG is taken in non-pregnant women and men the body still releases the stored fat but because there is no fetus present, the body uses the stores for energy or eliminates the rest.

This enables the body to release stored toxins and fat. Abnormal fat is lost, leaving normal or structural fat and muscle tissue. Which means you lose in those stubborn areas--hips, thighs, buttocks and upper arms?
Are there any side effects from using HCG?

There are no serious side effects associated with HCG. Some experience slight headaches during the first few days but this is extremely rare and mild.

How long does the HCG last?

An unopened bottle of HCG lasts 6 months, an opened bottle will last 6 weeks.

Will I keep the weight off?

After the HCG diet you will find your appetite has changed, your eating behavior will be changed and your body will, of course, have changed! This is the perfect opportunity to adopt that healthy lifestyle to maintain your weight. 

Following the diet, there is a three week maintenance period which is the key to keeping the weight off. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to over eat .

The oral HCG diet makes it possible to obtain the weight loss results you want. Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or need to lose 40, our HCG dieting weight loss program is the fastest and most effective regimen. The hardest part of weight loss is feeling deprived. With the HCG diet drops you feel energized and confident. Almost every person wants to feel fit and beautiful.

If weight loss is the difference between feeling embarrassed or feeling beautiful and happy, you may want to consider HCG dieting. Every morning you can feel lighter and more confident. Our weight loss program helps to reset your metabolism, so even after the diet is over you can maintain your weight more easily with healthy eating and exercise.

If weight loss is a priority in your life and getting in shape is something you've thought about, now is the time to take action. Get started today. HCG is safe; it is natural HCG- dieting works.
Hcg diet,

Pre Diabetic Situation - what does it mean?

Almost one out of seven of the people are in a pre diabetic state.

What is Pre Diabetic?
The disease by now exists in a person, but has not yet been diagnosed. This is the time to avoid diabetes from developing , through physical exercises, balanced diet and weight loss. About a third of the people who have diabetes, do not even know that the have the pre diabetic situation..The illness is finally uncovered by high glucose levels in the blood. However, it actually had covertly existed for a couple of years.

Is there someone in your family who has diabetes? Are you heavy? Do you dislike physical exercises? Together with you, there are many others who are included in a high risk category with the possibility of developing diabetes in the future.

How can we prevent this from happening?
Many latest studies have shown that you can delay or even stop diabetes as still in the pre diabetic state.

What is Pre Ddiabetic?
That is a state of concealed diabetes that shows up a few years before the appearance of type 2 diabetes and occurs about always ahead of diabetes is diagnosed. In the pre diabetic state the sugar level is higher than normal but not high sufficient to diagnose the illness.

How common is the pre diabetic?
About 15% of the population is in the pre diabetic condition. As the latest studies show, in this state long term damage takes place in the cardie-vascular system. Research has shown that taking preventive measures during the elevated sugar level stage may avoid the break out of type 2 diabetes in the future. This is the exact time to accept a healthy diet and to exercise; the two of them are suggested for diabetics.

What are the risk factors of developing pre diabetic ?
  •  Family history: brother or sister or parent with diabetes.
  •  Being overweight
  •  Not having physical activity.
  •  A women who gave birth to an overweight baby (over 9 pounds)
  •  Age: the risk is higher above the age of 45 and particularly over 65.
 How do you know if you are pre diabetic?
There are 2 diverse tests your doctor can use:
The fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) and the
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

If it will be found that you are pre diabetic, is it for sure you would develop diabetes? This is a serious situation, which can be dealt with , and must be under supervision.

You can actually turn the clock back. Research has proves that it is possible to control the pre diabetic and the diabetic by doing modifications in their diets and increasing their levels of physical activity. Medications can slow the development of diabetes, but proper diet together with physical activity are more effective. 30 minutes of each day physical activity, with the right diet and losing 5-10% of the body weight reduces the appearance of new diabetic cases by 58%.

The author is the owner of Pre Diabetic situation web page.
He is retired From a communication company , and enjoyes writing articles.For more information visit the web site

Weight Loss Menu Plan - The Calorie Shifting Diet

Looking for the ideal weight loss menu plan to help you achieve your goal of slimming down and reaching your goal weight? Are you looking for a weight loss menu plan that would help you achieve this goal without starving? Without going on some extreme fad diet that requires you to sacrifice your calories or your carbohydrates?
Weight Loss Menu Plan - The Calorie Shifting Diet
Calorie shifting may be the answer. Calorie shifting is a revolutionary new weight loss program that touts rapid weight loss on the order of 9 pounds every 11 days, which, for all intents and purposes, is just a tad shy of one pound of weight loss per day. This extreme weight loss is not achieved by reducing the number of calories or carbohydrates that you consume.

On the contrary, you can achieve these astounding weight loss results by shifting the types of calories that you consume, rotationally from meal to meal, and from day to day. In other words, you would be eating a balanced diet of plentiful food from all four of the major food groups. The only twist is that you must divide up your diet into different calorie types.

You must shift the calorie types that you consume sequentially at each meal. For example, you might have meat and fruit together at one meal. Or you might have meat and dairy together at another meal. Or you might have dairy and vegetables together at another meal. You might have a day that emphasizes mostly on fruits and you might have another day that emphasizes mostly on dairy products.

By shifting your calories in this manner, you are capable of literally manipulating your body's metabolism, at will, to burn your body's fat stores for energy. There is no need to count calories on this weight loss menu plan. Therefore, you are free to eat as much quantity of food as you desire at each meal, until you reach the brink of becoming too full,
  • Would you like to try out an 11-day sample menu?
  • The Calorie Shifting Diet is a revolutionary dieting breakthrough.
  • This diet succeeds where others fail.
  • Low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, low-fat, and low-sodium diets are all doomed to fail.
It's very hard to maintain those diets without running the risk of falling into temptation and sabotaging your own diet. Calorie Shifting works on an entirely different principle: Eat as much food as you want at each meal until you are completely satisfied. You can eat foods from all four major food groups.
Is there a catch? There sure is, but once you learn what it is, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • You'll kick yourself for wondering why you wasted your time on other diets when you should have been following the Calorie Shifting diet!
  • The Calorie Shifting diet even offers its own customizable Online Diet Generator to help you create fool-proof diet plans that are guaranteed to help you lose at least 9 pounds every 11 days!

Weight Loss Menu Plan - The Calorie Shifting Diet

Lose Weight 4 Idiots - How Good Is The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet?

Weight Loss For Idiots
So you have heard all the excitement about Fat Loss 4 Idiots and now you need to know if it really is a good as they all say. This Fat Loss 4 Idiots review is going to ignore the excitement and investigate whether Fat Loss 4 Idiots really is as good as all of the other reviews indicate.

The foremost thing to say about Fat Loss 4 Idiots in any Fat Loss 4 Idiots review is that if you follow the information then you will lose weight. There is completely no doubt that every single person who tries the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet will lose weight fast. But will individuals lose weight as fast as the Fat Loss 4 Idiots website claims? This is an imperative point for this Fat Loss 4 Idiots review to answer.

One of the main things that you notice when you visit the Fat Loss 4 Idiots website is the claims that you can lose 9 pounds in only 11 days. This Fat Loss 4 Idiots reassessment really needs to point out that the majority of individuals will not lose weight this fast. I'm for sure that some people can lose weight this fast, but it is likely that your weight loss will happen slower.

If you mean to lose 9 pounds in 11 days then Fat Loss 4 Idiots probably isn't the product for you, as this is doubtful to happen. If you desire to lose a lot of weight, although not quite as much as promised by Fat Loss 4 Idiots, subsequently this weight loss book can be the product that you are looking for.

Any person who has tried Fat Loss 4 Idiots will advise you that it is an incredibly useful way to lose weight fast. I have tried Fat Loss 4 Idiots myself, and can bear witness that if you stick to the weight loss strategy then you will lose weight fast. However, it's doubtful that you will lose weight quite as fast as promised by the Fat Loss 4 Idiots website.

While you probably won't lose as much weight as the Fat Loss 4 Idiots website suggests, you will lose a lot of weight if you keep to the detailed information. After all, the thousands of individuals who have lost a lot of weight with this product can't all be mistaken now can they?

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet idea has sold thousands of copies worldwide. Visit The Site Now and Get The Full Information For YourSelf! Http://www.BellyFatLoss4Idiots.Com

Best Of Vegan Weight Loss Diet

Best Of Vegan Weight Loss Die
The perfect vegan excess weight decline diet regime is going to are made up of a meals mix that is balanced with vegetables, fruits, and nuts, (or other sources of "good fat" which will support in power and feeling complete). Be weary of vegan excess weight reduction diets which advertise large use of breads and pasta's. 

Although these may well slide beneath the definition of a 'vegetarian diet', they usually do not advertise weight damage, relatively this type of vegan excess weight decline diet can avoid weight decline from taking place although in fact increasing body fat. Higher glycemic carbs, this kind of as white bread and refined sugar food items should also be averted. 

They can stimulate insulin surges and trigger individuals to consume 60 - 70% far more calories at the following meal. Once more, they may possibly drop below the umbrella of vegetarian but they are far from a true vegan body weight reduction diet plan.

A vegan weight decline diet regime ideally really should are made up of a big quantity of greens, a reasonable to nominal volume of fruit, and a moderate to minimal sum of vegetarian food that include wholesome fats this kind of as nuts, avocados, or particular oils like flax seed. 

The average to minimal suggestions all rely on how 1 personally reacts to fruit sugars and wholesome fat. Some people do much better on a vegan excess weight reduction diet when they cut down a bit on their fruit ingestion, changing them with as an alternative with a lot more veggies.

When such as grains and complicated carbohydrates, once more a single should commence with moderate to nominal amounts and gauge there vegan excess weight reduction diet regime progress, and usually be mindful not to overeat these food items.

Once again, the major components to a effective vegan excess weight decline eating habits are higher vegetable intake, and average to small fruits and wholesome fat. There are a lot of delicious, gratifying and filling vegan fat reduction diet plan recipes obtainable on the web that center close to these meals combining factors. Read more: weight loss diet